DA Chart

Sl. No % of D.A Total D.A w.e.f Arrear from Arrear to Date on which the amount will be permitted to be withdrawn % of amount to be withdrawn Drawn from the salary of Order No Download Files
1 10 1000 22-08-2016 23-08-2016 24-08-2016 30-08-2016 75 31-08-2016 124 Files
2 67 400 03-08-2016 18-08-2016 25-08-2016 31-08-2016 100 09-08-2016 1234 Files
3 700 800 01-08-2016 10-08-2016 17-08-2016 31-08-2016 5 21-08-2016 1234 Files